Friday, January 16, 2009


Hey Susana and Alison

My name is Michelle Davis and I'm working on my Masters degree while I am home taking care of my two babies. I have a little girl who is 2 and a son who is 1. I plan to go back to teaching this year in August. I'm currently getting my teaching license transferred from Nevada to Wyoming and I hope that goes smoothly. I teach High School Biology primarily although I've worked a lot with Middle School as well.

My email address is which is the best way to reach me.

The worst advertising message I can remember was something I saw in Las Vegas over the Christmas vacation. My husband has family in Vegas which is what takes us there. We actually moved away from Vegas a year ago and I'm so grateful for that because I don't like the message of the city. When you drive down I-15 you are bombarded by billboard advertising and I would say that 80% of it is sexual. I saw a billboard with a woman pulling a man's tie and it said on the bottom of it "have you been tugged?" The billboard was advertising a clothing store but was using sex to attract or sell the product. You see a lot of that everywhere really but I'm especially sensitive to it because that message of sex has taken ahold of someone that I love very much and torn my family apart. So it really leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

One of the coolest advertisements I've seen lately is a hair commercial silly as that is. I really like the hair color that I see on that commercial and the reason why it captures my attention would be that I think my hair color is drab and I want to change it to the advertised color. Sorry, that's kind of dumb I know but the point being that I pay attention to something like that when I'm in the market for it. Otherwise I probably wouldn't even notice. I'm looking forward to learning in this class. I'm thrilled to find that I am learning a lot of applicable information in this degree and each class teaches me something better and better :)

Michelle Davis


  1. Hi Michelle,
    This is what I wrote you in the wiki page:
    I think I am your only classmate in this class, but we will have a great time. Everything in Las Vegas has sexual connotations, so when I was there I had the same feeling with most of the ads.
    It is funny how our mind work when we are watching ads. Usually when we like something in ads is because the girl or the man who is wearing it looks gorgeous with it.

    By the way, I have a toddler too and I am working in my Master while I am at home.

  2. Great that you two moms have the same age kids. Enjoy them, I skiied with my 21 year old son today, how did he get so old? Anyway, I like your ad examples. I also hate the whole Vegas genre. I think they must appeal mainly to men, don't you. I wonder if the ad people study the turnoffs caused by their ads? I can also relate to the hair commercials. I'm getting a few grays here and there. Shiny hair is always an attractive element. I hope you both enjoy the course. Alison
