Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Connect the Message and the Audience

Rinso Soap

The intended audience for this advertisement is the good old fashioned housewife. I am wondering how current this ad is?? My audience, the teenage group of 16 year olds, wouldn’t pay much attention to this ad. It doesn’t appeal to their situation in life.

The elements of color, layout and font are used nicely. I think the ad looks nice actually but the one thing that catches my attention is that the woman in the ad is hanging a sheet on a line. This is why I wonder if the ad is current. I would guess that not many people hang their clothes on lines anymore but instead are using dryers. The ad wouldn’t related to the current audience of housewives.

I don’t believe there is any humor in this ad.

Las Vegas

The audience for the ad is the young, single, risky, party mentality person. My teenage audience would really find this ad interesting. It appeals to their mental state of mind, that being a have fun all the time mentality, and the woman in the ad is young just like they are. This ad is going to catch their attention.

The elements of color, layout, and font are used effectively I suppose. It’s hard to say quite honestly. Ironically, I made the comment I did about the disturbing advertisements that I had seen in Las Vegas over Christmas. The ad turned me off and this ad does the same. It means something to me that is very negative and very upsetting. Trying to look at it objectively is difficult but I suppose the risqué position of the woman is catching the attention of many and the ad is probably pretty effective. Vegas is a large city and it draws enormous crowds all year round so the advertising is clearly working.

Humor doesn’t always work in advertising for the mere fact that everybody understands humor to mean something different. I can see the attempt to use humor in the Vegas ad but the humor doesn’t impress me. An advertisement that uses humor that I find quite intelligent is the Chik-fil-A advertisements where the cows are standing up holding signs that say eat more chikin! That’s good humor.
My teenage audience would find this advertisement humorous and attractive.

Data Computers

The intended audience for this ad is the young business person, perhaps the entrepreneurial spirit. My intended audience wouldn’t pay much attention to this ad. It’s too far in the future for them. I’m afraid the teenage audience can’t see or think far enough ahead to consider a career most of the time.

The elements are good in the picture. I like the angle of the two people back to back in the ad because it draws the eye away from the large guy in the front of the ad. I didn’t care for the guy up front who almost has an evil sneer across his face. It’s a little disturbing to me!

I’m not really seeing any humor in this ad but I do think it has a sense of positive energy. My audience wouldn’t really find this ad funny but they may sense a positive energy in it.


  1. Nice job evaluating these ads. I intend to get them changed, it seems a bit off base checking out ads that are not aimed at most of our target audiences. You are right on the money with your information of color and images. Alison

  2. Dear Michelle,

    The idea of "positive energy" in the third ad is correct. I would like to ad the idea of initiative that the young man in the front is trying to convey.

