Thursday, January 29, 2009
I found another poor website today...
take care,
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Poor Multimedia Example
--Who is the target audience for this multimedia piece?
It’s hard to say really but I suppose it must be anyone who is looking to remodel or possibly build anything from a residential place to live in up to a commercial office building.
--How well is the information (including text, graphics, music, animation, and video) communicated to the target audience?
Not that well. There is hardly any text at all in the site, excepting the links. Some of the links change text as you drag your mouse across them. I can’t see the point in that. The links take you to a picture that illustrates the link, for example a link that says “cable” leads you to a picture of an aviary at the Bronx Zoo. I can’t really understand how cable and aviary connect however. There could be cable in the aviary but there is no explanation. The viewer is left to come up with that on their own. There is no animation, audio or video to the site but there are graphics. These look like poor quality digital photos. Some of them are embarrassingly bad. Others are almost clear. There is one paragraph giving information about the architect and the mission statement of the business. If you drag your mouse across this paragraph it changes to another paragraph that doesn’t make any sense. I had to read it at least three times and think it through a bit in order to determine that some of it stood for the name of the company which is AIR. The other bits and pieces I don’t know about.
--How would you evaluate the information for its clarity, usefulness, and ability to arouse interest in the target audience?
I don’t think there is an interest aroused from the site for whatever audience they are trying to appeal to. They have no information other than pictures that accompany each link. They don’t attempt to highlight any special skills they may have as a company. It’s not a user friendly, flowing, informative, captivating site.
--Weighing all the above factors, assign a value to the content on a scale of 1 (poor) to 6 (excellent).
--How well is this piece organized for the target audience?
The organization is mediocre. There isn’t any issue with the user getting lost in the site because there isn’t enough information to get lost in. The site has a column on the left with 17 links and the pictures that come with the links show up on the right hand side of the page. Nothing more than that.
--How easy and intuitive is it for a user to figure out how to move through it?
It’s not a hard site to use because there isn’t much to it. It’s a hard site to understand though for that very reason.
--Is the breadth and depth of the information easily apparent, and how efficiently can a user move through the multimedia piece to learn the extent of what is being presented?
Breadth and depth of the information is not easily apparent. You can move through it pretty efficiently because there isn’t much there to go through.
--Weighing all the above factors, assign a value to this piece's structure and navigation on a scale of 1 (poor) to 6 (excellent).
--How would you describe the visual appeal of this multimedia piece?
I did like the blue color on the site. The color is peaceful and nice. The fonts do not change on the links. The pictures have a location description on the bottom of them that is hard to read in several of the pictures because the font color is white and sometimes the background colors are very light. There isn’t enough contrast in a few cases for that text to stand out.
--How suited is the design to the target audience?
Well, I’m going to assume that the target audience is anyone who is in the market to build something, whether it be a house or an office building. In this case the audience is probably looking for a website that gives the feeling of professionalism and ability. In a best case scenario that site also allows them to play around with different options the company has to offer.
--Would this design appeal to users other than the target user? If so, which ones? If not, why not?
The design is boring and too simple. When a user isn’t challenged at least enough to stimulate their intelligence I think they steer away from a site. I don’t think the target audience or any additional audiences would appreciate this site. The learning that is meant to take place (I’m assuming), just isn’t.
--Weighing all the above factors, assign a value to this piece's visual design on a scale of 1 (poor) to 6 (excellent).
--How appropriate is the technology used on this piece for the type of content being delivered to target users?
There is no technology used. I mentioned before that there is no audio, animation or video on the site. It is strictly limited to graphics.
--Would this piece work on a dial-up connection or does a user need a high-speed connection? Probably not that well. There are a lot of pictures that would take a bunch of time to load.
--Do all the links work? All the links worked.
--Weighing all the above factors, assign a value to this piece's functionality on a scale of 1 (poor) to 6 (excellent).
--In what ways does this piece encourage users to interact with the content? List all that apply. This site does not encourage users to interact with the content. It does give contact information so that anyone interested can call the company. It shows pictures of different examples but doesn’t explain them. It doesn’t show any options that the architect offers.
--How does this interactivity enhance a user's understanding of the content?
Because of this lack of interactivity the user doesn’t come away with a solid understanding of what this architect has to offer or is hoping to teach his/her target audience. The interactivity is so narrow that text is not offered on the site in a simple attempt to explain the message the site is trying to convey.
--Weighing all the above factors, assign a value to this piece's interactivity on a scale of 1 (poor) to 6 (excellent).
Redesign Ideas for
- My first idea is to add several video clips to the site. These videos show the details of this persons work and how nicely her creative architecture comes together when completed. These videos should fall under specific categories and should be used to enhance those categories. Audio should be included with the videos so that the audience can understand what the video is trying to explain. The average viewer may not notice many of the details the architect thinks are obvious so explaining them in a concise and informative way is important. These explanations and videos need to be short and to the point so that the viewer doesn't get bored. When I say short...I'm thinking...1 minute and 30 seconds maximum.
- Flash animation that can be manipulated. I think it would be really interesting if you could choose a blueprint layout that is offered on the site and make changes to it so that it becomes something that you want. Creating that sort of interactivity with the audiences is going to catch their attention and increase this architects chance of getting a phone call from the customer. Other animations that would be fun to play with would be to change colors say on the exterior of a building or the interior kitchen space for example. Also being able to change materials, like cabinets or countertops and change room sizes would be cool too.
- Text is needed here badly. There should be a mission statement first and foremost. The audience needs to know what this architect is trying to do. Is she selling her work, is she showing it off, what?? At this point we don't know. Text needs to be included with the graphics that she provides on the site. This text needs to briefly explain the graphic. For example, why is the graphic important, what are the distinguishing features of the work, etc. I also think it would be much more interesting if she included a brief story behind these pieces of work that she is showing off. What was her inspiration or how did this piece come together. Now when I say brief I mean it. Not many people are going to take the time to read a page of info. but most of us will read a few lines. If you can see the end of the story easily at the beginning of the story then many of us are willing to at least skim it.
- And finally, the graphic quality must be improved. Not much more needs to be said here. Improve it. It looks bad.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Multimedia Strategies
Multimedia helps to maintain or strengthen the interest of the learner. When the learning styles are mixed up throughout the unit (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) it stimulates the learner and keeps the mind active and engaged.
• Is there an “entertainment” factor needed for today’s student?
Without a doubt. Sadly, teachers are competing with video games, movies, TV, etc. This technology provides a fast paced relay of information that students get used to. Put them in a classroom that doesn’t offer multiple methods to teach them, almost all at once, and they seem to go crazy. Behavior issues arise and the classroom isn’t operating like a well-oiled machine.
• Do you think the student has to always interact with content just to stay focused?
No. I think there is power in imagination. I think having a student take some information and imagine the possibilities that could be with that information can maintain focus. In fact, I think it’s usually pretty entertaining for a student to imagine something different than the normal and become creative with it.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Interaction Types
The Interaction Type that seems to be the most age specific to me is the Learner-learner where there is interaction in groups or one-to-one. Group interaction doesn’t work that well for young kids, such as my toddler who engages in parallel play and does not function in a group. It will be another year perhaps before she is developmentally ready to play in a group and interact that way. The teenagers that I work with are ready and willing to engage in group interaction, although they will put up some fight if I assign the groups versus allowing them to pick their own. One on one interaction is a strong interaction I think for any age. My daughter will respond to one on one and so will my teenagers. I think we all respond to it as long as it’s not intimidating.
As for all other interaction types I don’t find them to be age specific necessarily. No matter the age a learner will benefit from interacting with actual course material, receiving feedback and encouragement from an instructor, as well as interacting with the tools of instruction. As for observing, we all do that from a very young age.
Culture Specific
Major cultures that come to mind are the Latino, Asian, and American cultures. There are other cultures that could possibly be considered that are not geographical, such as religious cultures. I think the Learner-learner interaction in groups would appeal to the Latino culture who tend to be more extroverted and social. The Asian culture may not care for this type of interaction as well as the one-on-one interaction. Asians tend to be more reserved and achievement oriented, generally speaking. Interaction by observing may also appeal to this culture. The American culture I think is going to be split on the group work versus the one-on-one interaction. It seems to me that the Americans are going to thrive off interacting with the tools and technologies used to deliver instruction. We like to get our hands on things and work with them.
Gender Specific
Women are more social by nature. They enjoy talking with and working with other people. Any interaction that has them doing that is going to be gender specific to them, such as the Learner-learner. Men are not as social but prefer to interact with materials and learn without all the discussion. Men may enjoy Learner-content and Learner-interface interactions.
Difficult to match to my learners??
The vicarious interaction that has the student interacting by observing is a hard one in my classroom. Most of the time they are given instructions and put to work. They learn as they go in many cases but don't spend enough time observing. They interact with the course material and the tools used to deliver that material and the discoveries come. However, they are more focused on completing the assignment then on any observations made. I would love to be able to incorporate more Learner-learner into my classroom where I am working one-on-one with my students. However, due to large class sizes this is rarely possible. I do try and make up for it by providing feedback and encouragement to the class and of course assisting when needed. Wouldn’t it be great to have a class size of 20 or so kids that you could work with individually as needed and really get to know??
Preconceived Biases
I do have ideas on what is best for my age group and that is the Learner-learner interaction with groups and the Learner-content and Learner-interface where they are interacting with the course material. I don’t use the Learner-environment much and that’s because I don’t place a lot of value in that interaction type given the constraints on classroom time. It’s a difficult interaction for me to monitor because it has to be done outside of the classroom and can be easily made up and I wouldn’t know it. I also don’t do enough Vicarious-interaction in my classroom. I think the students need to be taught how to observe and my classroom would be a great place for that to happen. We do observe plenty of scientific information happening in a lab but actually paying close attention and thinking through the steps of the process is a difficult thing to come by. I really feel that it’s a weakness in my teaching actually. I think I get so caught up with the business of the classroom trying to conduct a lab with a lot of students that I become task oriented and forget to remind the students to slow down and pay close attention to what is happening and why.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Connect the Message and the Audience
The intended audience for this advertisement is the good old fashioned housewife. I am wondering how current this ad is?? My audience, the teenage group of 16 year olds, wouldn’t pay much attention to this ad. It doesn’t appeal to their situation in life.
The elements of color, layout and font are used nicely. I think the ad looks nice actually but the one thing that catches my attention is that the woman in the ad is hanging a sheet on a line. This is why I wonder if the ad is current. I would guess that not many people hang their clothes on lines anymore but instead are using dryers. The ad wouldn’t related to the current audience of housewives.
I don’t believe there is any humor in this ad.
Las Vegas
The audience for the ad is the young, single, risky, party mentality person. My teenage audience would really find this ad interesting. It appeals to their mental state of mind, that being a have fun all the time mentality, and the woman in the ad is young just like they are. This ad is going to catch their attention.
The elements of color, layout, and font are used effectively I suppose. It’s hard to say quite honestly. Ironically, I made the comment I did about the disturbing advertisements that I had seen in Las Vegas over Christmas. The ad turned me off and this ad does the same. It means something to me that is very negative and very upsetting. Trying to look at it objectively is difficult but I suppose the risqué position of the woman is catching the attention of many and the ad is probably pretty effective. Vegas is a large city and it draws enormous crowds all year round so the advertising is clearly working.
Humor doesn’t always work in advertising for the mere fact that everybody understands humor to mean something different. I can see the attempt to use humor in the Vegas ad but the humor doesn’t impress me. An advertisement that uses humor that I find quite intelligent is the Chik-fil-A advertisements where the cows are standing up holding signs that say eat more chikin! That’s good humor.
My teenage audience would find this advertisement humorous and attractive.
Data Computers
The intended audience for this ad is the young business person, perhaps the entrepreneurial spirit. My intended audience wouldn’t pay much attention to this ad. It’s too far in the future for them. I’m afraid the teenage audience can’t see or think far enough ahead to consider a career most of the time.
The elements are good in the picture. I like the angle of the two people back to back in the ad because it draws the eye away from the large guy in the front of the ad. I didn’t care for the guy up front who almost has an evil sneer across his face. It’s a little disturbing to me!
I’m not really seeing any humor in this ad but I do think it has a sense of positive energy. My audience wouldn’t really find this ad funny but they may sense a positive energy in it.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Audience Analysis
Analysis of the students I teach regularly
Age - 16 years old
Gender - Male and Female; roughly half and half
Location - Las Vegas Nevada/Sierra Vista High School
Life Experience - Varied. Some students come from high socioeconomic class with minimal worries while others come from homeless situations. Most students are in the middle of these extremes.
Technical Experience - Varied. Most students have home access to the internet. Many are quite proficient in their use of the internet. Others lack access and therefore don't have the proficiency.
Experience with the Topic - Minimal. This is the first exposure they have had to the Biology course. Some basic life science work was done in 6th grade assuming they've been in the district since then. A majority of the students are transient and have come from other states.
Technical Skills - Varied just like the experience and access. See above.
Education level/Prior Courses - 10th grade educational level. Some life science exposure in previous grades but this is the first time they are taking a concentrated life science course.
Motivations/Demotivators - Motivators: Activities. Students love to participate in activities which come mostly in the form of labs where they are measuring, playing a game, interacting with other students using the course materials, etc. De-motivators: excessive lecturing and note-taking, yelling in the classroom, lack of appropriate classroom control.
Learning Styles (VARK) - I believe most of the students are going to be strongest as visual learners. A few auditory learners are always present as well as the kinesthetic learners. The visual and kinesthetic learners really enjoy the labs and visuals that go along with demonstrations and discussions. The auditory learners like the lectures.
Language and Literacy/ESL - Half of the student body at the school is Hispanic and many of which are ESL kids. Their ability and skill with the language is as varied as the students themselves. I would say that 80% of these ESL students are proficient enough in the language that they can perform and function well in the classroom. I do not speak Spanish but really wish that I did.
My name is Michelle Davis and I'm working on my Masters degree while I am home taking care of my two babies. I have a little girl who is 2 and a son who is 1. I plan to go back to teaching this year in August. I'm currently getting my teaching license transferred from Nevada to Wyoming and I hope that goes smoothly. I teach High School Biology primarily although I've worked a lot with Middle School as well.
My email address is which is the best way to reach me.
One of the coolest advertisements I've seen lately is a hair commercial silly as that is. I really like the hair color that I see on that commercial and the reason why it captures my attention would be that I think my hair color is drab and I want to change it to the advertised color. Sorry, that's kind of dumb I know but the point being that I pay attention to something like that when I'm in the market for it. Otherwise I probably wouldn't even notice. I'm looking forward to learning in this class. I'm thrilled to find that I am learning a lot of applicable information in this degree and each class teaches me something better and better :)
Michelle Davis